How can you help me ?
We will help your organization to find right candidates to work in your care home or care agency. We are focusing on care assistants.
Have you got any experience in recruiting care staff ?
We have been recruiting staff for small care homes and big care groups which own more than 10 care homes. We are recruiting live in carers for one well know company also. We know what we are doing.
How much will I have to pay ?
You will pay one -off fee per person. We are not expensive but we know that finding a person with good English skills and caring personality is not easy.
What if a person leaves after 2 days ?
If someone resignes within 14 days of arrival we will cancel an invoice like nothing happened. After that period up to 2 months if someone resignes we will replace that person at 50% of the usual recruitment fee.
Do I need to provide candidates with accommodation ?
Yes because they could not afford to pay for themselves.
The common practise is to do not charge candidates up front for accommodation but to deduct it from their first salary. Sometimes the deposit is spread over a few salaries also
Do I pay for the service up front ?
No you do not.
What now ?
Send us email on contact(at) and ask us for T&C